Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby Silas

In early fall, our family, like many other families around the world, learned of Baby Silas. A sweet, cherub faced infant from Atlanta, desperate for a heart. In October, at six months of age, he received a Berlin Heart, the child version of an LVAD, the lifesaving device Trouper has had since August. They deemed him Super Silas, just like our own Super Trouper, because he is "a superhero, a fighter who is stronger than average". As a mother, I ached for his parents, watching their helpless baby fight for his life. As the wife of a patient awaiting the precious gift of a heart, I sympathize with their agonizing wait and know how the minutes turn into days and the days turn into months. Months of medicine, of doctor and hospital visits. Months of hopefulness and also months of depression. Months of praying for such a precious gift, but also months of praying for a family who will be losing their precious loved one so our Super Trouper can survive. Days before 2013 faded into 2014, Baby Silas received a holiday miracle, he got his new heart! Less than 24 hours after surgery, Baby Silas was smiling and his color had improved. A few weeks after receiving his miracle, he was headed home, after five months as a patient at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. As we watched the follow up, we cried. We cried for his strength, his resilience, his future but mostly for the hope it provided. Hope that our own journey will lead us to the gift of life.

Baby Silas' mother said she knows God has a plan for him and is excited to see it unfold. I'm excited too, excited to watch Baby Silas thrive and flourish and excited for the future. Our future, just like Baby Silas', relies on the generous gift of life. The future is created by what you do today, so please consider becoming an organ donor. Live life, then give life. Without organ donation, there is no story, no hope and no transplant. But when there is donation, life springs from death, sorrow turns into hope and a terrible loss becomes a tremendous gift. If you are already a donor, please make sure your loved ones know your wishes, and how much donation means to you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Before I make my New Year's resolutions, resolutions I probably won't keep, I feel I should reflect on the year that was, the year of 2013. I remember my triumphs and my missteps, the promises made and the ones broken.

In January, our baby girl was accepted into two colleges and we were helping her decide her future. A mere month later, our beloved Trouper was fighting for his life, and our family was forever changed. In March, while Trouper was still in the hospital, Emily received not one but two college scholarships. In April, we took a group of teenagers to the beach, their last spring break as high schoolers while our precious son changed his life plans to be a "stay at home" son and care for his dad. May brought both highs and lows, the week we were set to celebrate our baby girls graduation, we were told Trouper wasn't getting better and would need a new heart to survive. In June we floated through, not sure what to expect and in July, we settled into a two month stay in the hospital, waiting for the gift of a new heart. August brought tears of joy and sadness. The same week our baby left for college we were told that time wasn't our friend and Trouper couldn't wait for a heart, and would need life saving LVAD surgery.

Fall faded into winter and here we are again, on New Year's Day, with another chance. A chance to forgive, a chance to do better, do more, to give more and a chance to love more. A chance to stop worrying about the what if and start embracing the what can be. So on this first day of 2014, as I reflect on the most difficult year of my life, I am reminded that greatness is on the horizon and no matter what life throws at me, I will get through it with love, patience, kindness and grace and always have another chance to get it right!