Thursday, July 3, 2014

Just like the Jeffersons, we are movin' on up!

Happy 3rd of July! I hope the day before the kaboom holiday finds you happy, healthy and excited for a 3-day weekend!

Last 4th of July, it rained all day. Trouper's Mom Teresa and her friend Cynthia were in town and, since all the firework displays were cancelled, Emily and her crew decided to light up our cul-de-sac during a lull in the rainfall. I expected the neighbors to get upset but they just came out and watched, probably tired of being cooped up in their houses. Anywho, this 4th is different. We really don't have plans, other than trying to get some housework and yard work completed. It's also different because, as of Tuesday, Trouper is listed the highest possible listing for a home bound person on the heart transplant list. His status is officially 1B, and we are elated! This means he is high on the list, there are 9 other 1B's at Piedmont (his transplant center) and he gets to wait out his time at home, where he belongs! The summer holidays are called the trinity for organ donation. It starts with Labor Day, includes 4th of July and concludes with Memorial Day. Unfortunately, this is when many people lose their lives, but fortunately, if their loved ones see fit, their organs go to save the lives of people like our Super Trouper.

We've had a rough few months but this certainly lifted our spirits. I am back to making my lists; who to call, who to text, what to bring, where to go, and how to get there. Thank goodness our Gina will be right behind us as we head to the hospital and I will probably give her the task of contacting and coordinating all our out of towners. I'm sad my sister won't get to be with us, she's pregnant and traveling isn't in her future anytime soon but I know she will be there in spirit and we will eat a grilled cheese sandwich from Doris in the cafeteria and visit Au Bon Pain for brownies and cookies in her honor. I know my Dad and family and Kim and Jay and family will be there, pacing and waiting with us. Are we apprehensive about the surgery, yes. Last weekend we talked about the complexity and the actual drawbacks of the transplant versus the LVAD but we are firm in our decision that a transplant is best for Trouper. Last week, we watched a documentary about the black market for kidneys. When people said they had been listed for eight to ten years, I cried. I can't imagine the agony of waiting that long. We are nearing a year (with Trouper inactive because of the LVAD for 9 months) but each day is so stressful, I can't imagine ten years!

So, as you celebrate the day of independence, celebrate a little for Super Trouper. Hopefully his independence from wires, batteries, tubes and bandages is right around the corner. Also, when you say your prayers, I'm certain we are already included but please include our donor as well. Their family is about to go through the most difficult thing they will ever go through, losing a loved one way too soon. I understand their pain. However, without organ donation there is no story, no hope, no transplant. But when there is an organ donor, life springs from death, sorrow turns to hope and a terrible loss becomes a gift. Happy 4th friends and family!

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